Karin Prinsloo – Karate Blog

6th Dan Japanese Karate Association – A Instructor B Examiner B Judge – Australia Karate Federation Accredited Coach – AKF State Level Referee

KZN JKA Karate Tournament Highlights

KZN JKA Karate Tournament Highlights

KZN JKA Karate Tournament Highlights 

Have a look at this highlights video from the KZN JKA championships is held annually as a combined club championships in KZN – Durban South Africa. The Tournament is a fantastic showcase of KZN’s karate students both big and small. It is a safe and exciting environment where many karate students get exposed to karate competition for the first time.  ‪#‎jka‬ ‪#‎sajka‬ ‪#‎pinetownjka‬ ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎karate‬ ‪#‎kata‬‪#‎kumite‬

Sensei Stan Schmidt – People of the South – Interview

Sensei Stan Schmidt – People of the South – Interview

Watching this People of the South program featuring Stan Schmidt Sensei makes me realise how blessed I was learning karate from these early pioneers, Senseis Stan Schmitdt, Keith Geyer, Derrick Geyer and Dries la Grange (many featuring in the early part of the program). I don’t think we often realise how difficult it must have been at times for Stan Sensei and his wife Judy, to learn so much in a country that was not really open to westerners at the time. With Stan Sensei’s remarkable determination, talent, humble attitude and hunger to learn, he did not only win the respect of the Japanese, but made it possible for many of us starting a journey with JKA Karate in South Africa.

What is so evident in the program, apart from Stan Sensei’s achievements, is his success as a leader in all areas of his life. Anyone that ever had the privilege training under him will recall the wisdom and inspiration that enriched their lives. It is with good reason, due to Stan Sensei’s leadership, that SA JKA had 10 000+ members in South Africa, one of the largest in the world at one stage.

I Recall how nervous I was as a little girl travelling from Heidelberg every Wednesday evening, with Sensei Dries and Johan la Grange, to go and train with Sensei Stan (coming from Heidelberg I didn’t understand English too well!). How I treasure those moment now!
I really miss being in Stan Sensei’s classes, his knowledge and wisdom really lives through a lot of today’s JKA karate leaders whom he taught.

There is a Japanese saying that goes: “Humility is the first step of gaining extraordinary influence”. This is what I feel when I watch People of the South featuring Stan Schmidt Sensei.


Heian Nidan – Important Points and Bunkai by Karin Prinsloo

Heian Nidan – Important Points and Bunkai by Karin Prinsloo

Heian Nidan – Important Points and Bunkai by Karin Prinsloo

Karrinyup Karate – 2 Nerita Way – Stirling Karate


Heian Nidan is the second heian kata. In this video you will be taken through the kata step by step as well as learn important points and bunkai. ‪#‎jka‬ ‪#‎sajka‬ ‪#‎pinetownjka‬ ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎heian‬ ‪#‎nidan‬ ‪#‎kata‬ ‪#‎shotokan‬

 Important Points and Bunkai 

Heian Shodan – Important Points and Bunkai by Karin Prinsloo

Heian Shodan – Important Points and Bunkai by Karin Prinsloo

Heian Shodan – Important Points and Bunkai 

Karrinyup Karate – 2 Nerita Way Stirling – Stirling Karate



Heian Shodan is the first of the Heian kata and often the first kata you learn in a JKA or Shotokan dojo. Heian Shodan is accepted as the beginner kata. This video will take you through the kata one move at a time as well as illustrate bunkai for certain moves. ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎shotokan‬ ‪#‎kata‬ ‪#‎jka‬‪#‎sajka‬ ‪#‎karate‬ ‪#‎webvideosa‬

Hein Shodan Important Points and Bunkai

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

In this video I give various different power jumping drills that is effective for karate and can easily be done in the dojo.

Plyometrics involve power jumping, repetitive bounding and quick force production. When your muscles eccentrically contract, or shorten, then immediately stretch and lengthen, they produce maximal power ideal for karate situations. It is a fast movement that happens over a short period. Plyometrics are ideal for karate-ka or people looking to improve muscular power, speed and strength. They also help facilitate weight loss and help tone and define your muscles.

Plyometrics were originally designed for power athletes. According to Brian Mac, professional sports coach, your muscles achieve maximum power during eccentric contractions, or muscle lengthening. When you immediately follow an eccentric contraction with a concentric — or muscle-shortening — contraction, your muscle produces a greater force. This is called the stretch-shortening cycle. Plyometric training decreases the time between your eccentric and concentric contractions and improves your muscular speed and power. ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎karate‬ ‪#‎SAJKA‬ ‪#‎karatetraining‬